Last weekend (7-8 July) I went to Matheran for my first 25km Run. It was for the first time that I went for an outstation event and my first hill run.
I started running in 2016 and after 2 years I shifted from 5km -25km; the journey has been so far so good.
Coming to the event there were approximately 700 participants with different race categories 5km 10km 25km and 50km.

I had registered for 25km and it was/ is an experience to remember and got hang of what endurance run feels like.
I didn’t practice much before the event (sad to say that :/ ). In the last 3 weeks hardly twice or thrice I went for a run around  8-10km. (Though I used to go for walk 6km-7km almost daily.)
We (my manager and I) reached Matheran day before the event as is required for participants to do the racing/event formalities in advance. Saturday it was raining like cats and dogs, but that’s the beauty of monsoon. The weather was splendid. Nature was so beautiful that words are not enough to describe.
A day well spent in roaming around exploring areas in the hill station, admiring nature’s beauty and in search of any other familiar faces from the running community.

Sunday Event started at 6:30 and 6:42 am for 50 and 25 km run. They the organizers played National Anthem before the event so the overall vibes and mood of the crowd were very positive and cheerful. There were people who came all the way from Surat, Indore hats off to them 🙏
The race track was very, very tough and To be honest, I underestimate the road and the race.
Hill run full of an uphill and downhill with all the variation you can think of and with lack of practice it was tougher.
As I said I am used to walking for 6km but there is a drastic difference in Walk and run (my manager used to say the same thing) 25km was split into 12.5 loops to and fro from the start and finish line.
After 11-12km I began to think why am I running?
Why I have traveled from all the way from Mumbai to Matheran? Are the suffering and pain is worth for? Then I had decided the moment I reached 12.5km Lap/loop that I don’t want to run anymore.
Let me tell you that even if you are an amateur or experienced runner; even if you had run many HM (half marathon or FM (full marathon) in the past; every day is different. It matters what you do at the present moment the current event/race that you are running. Period!!


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So after a 12.5 first half and stopped took a Long halt. Stretched & cooled down, ate an energy bar, did time pass on IG (Instagram) xD, then decided and made up my mind that I will complete the race no matter what. I‘m going to finish the race by walk+jog+run.
The best part of the outdoor sport/ endurance run is you came to know who you are. You realize the strengths and weakness. There was a lot of self-talk, self-motivation happened and somehow by the grace of God managed to finish the race.
Finishing the race (even if the timing so bad) was one of the happiest moment and believe me all the pain was worth suffering. One of the big lessons I learned from this run is reality check is essential in our day to day life. All the overconfidence and underestimating the race/run track vanished in one second the moment I stopped after 12.5 km.  It made me think about how to react to the situation and things I should have done before the event.
No matter what you do, whether it’s your hobby or Job; Reality check is mandatory- it keeps you grounded.

PS:- Lessons I was reminded of – from the race

  • Consistency is the key
  • Need to do more practice for future events

FYI All the pictures and video of this blog are clicked and captured by my phone