We are going to Kolkata on the cycle. Would you like to join us?

Ambarish asked me after a few days after my Pandharpur wari (ride) on the cycle.

I said is this another event from IAS? He said they are going on their own. ( IAS is Indo Athletic Society based in Pune who conducts wonderful cycling and fitness events)

Me: (full-on excitement) Is this ride with a support vehicle?

(till Pandharpur I was used to support vehicle ie assisted ride and it was then my first longest ride)

Ambarish: No, we are doing on our own. Will you be able to manage to Take leave from office for 15-16 days.

Me: Will let you know in a couple of weeks

Ambarish told me that the only condition on this ride is the person must have a gear cycle. Because for the gear cycle it’s easy to removal of the wheel and change cycle tube and maintaining the speed with co-riders in comparison with the non-gear cycle.

PS Changing cycle Tube and remove of the wheel needs practice and initially and during the ride, a person needs assistance to do that.

If anyone is planning for a solo journey. First, they need to get right with basics in order to avoid any issue in the journey.

In the back of the mind there were many thoughts and questions like which cycle to buy, will I be able to ride 100+km consecutively for 2 weeks, will I be able to ride gear cycle as I was unaware of when to shift gear and was used to non-gear Hamilee (Hamilton cycle), will I be able to change the tyre, How to carry luggage, etc. I even thought to take a cycle on rent. My colleague and friend Abhijeet suggested a few sites where they give a cycle on rent. My uncle, Dnyanesh is like more of a friend like an elder brother I thought of asking him as he has geared cycle. He knows me from the time I was a kid (even though I have grown up but I still behave like kid hahaha) but I was hesitant and thinking how to ask him but decided to call him. I told Dnyanesh k about the expedition I am going to attempt and is it ok if I can borrow his cycle for a couple of weeks 😬. He was genuinely happy and gave me valuable advice. He said of course Akshay you can take my cycle for the journey but do use at least for a month before taking to the journey.

The reason was he is 6 ft+ and his cycle is a Large in size. Let me tell you the geared cycles are designed in different sizes and it differs from brand to brand. An average person height like me which is 164cm for me the height of cycle the ideal model is small or medium size depends on the bicycle brand. I thanked Dnyanesh kaka countless times I told him that will be visiting his place and take the cycle will return it back in the month of December.

The next thing I did was called Ambarish and told him that I’m in for the journey and have arranged the geared cycle. He told me that to speak one of the group members Nitin Bhosale (I call him dada) and tell him about it. When I spoke with Nitin dada he asked me a few questions.

Like do I have experience of riding for long journey and duration, do I have a geared cycle and general questions. I told him I am not aware of cycle repairs like changing cycle Tyre and tube he said not to worry you come with us you will enjoy the journey. Btw he himself is an excellent leader, guide and savior in case cycle breaks down. Man with many talents and a true artist.

The next step was to go to Dnyanesh k place at thane and bring the cycle home ie vile parle. I told him that I will be coming on one of the weekends. it was October month and when I reached his place by public transport, we decided to do the cycle servicing from the place where he bought his cycle. So I, Anish his son and Dnyanesh were on the Activa bike and I was on his cycle

When I sat and started paddling with gear change I understood why people go for the gear cycle. It was so smooth. The distance was approx 4-5km

Initially, I was slightly hesitant but understood the combination of the gear shift and we reached there.

I liked the vibes of the shop and the so is shop owner, Jose . A jolly & friendly guy. So was his staff. They also showed me the basics of how to remove Tyre and how to put it back (obviously). How to change the tube.

While going back Jose was concerned about mismatch of my and Sandra (I named Dnyanesh K cycle ) height.He said will I be able to ride as it will bring pressure on back while riding.I said confidently I will manage. That night I Dnyanesh K & Priya k (his wife) went out for a movie and next day decided to go back home. That night when we checked the cycle there was flat Tyre I was about to leave early morning on the next day because in the morning weather is always good and the road is comparatively empty. But had to fix the flat so went so Jose place in the morning and got fixed it. I thank him and Dnyanesh k and before going he said to think about the bike size.

PS experience matters and both of them were absolutely right and their opinion and views were bang on about the bike size. In case you are still here and reading this, I will tell you why in the concluding para

Thane to parla was my longest distance on geared cycle (55km) then and the journey was smooth.

Next weekend I decided to take Sandra for a short spin to Churchgate. When I reached Khar I felt pain in my lower back and clearly understood why Jose and Dnyanesh k was concerned about it. I still rode to and fro and continued riding approx 150km in next combine 2-3 rides.

But then I thought about it. In Mumbai Kolkata, I will be riding on an avg of 100km every day I will have to go for bike size as per my height and any which ways I was going to buy cycle in Jan’20 but then decided to buy 2 months advance only. Told Dnyanesh k about it and told that will be giving Sandra back at his place. The bike is beautiful and powerful and I loved her at first sight but it’s not recommended for my height. Then I started my bike hunt. Went to different shops and got mixed experiences And vibes. I will not mention the name of the shop here as it is a personal experience and it differs from person to person. Then in the month of October end finally decided to buy a cycle from Jose shop and will be always grateful that he gave me the right guidance about the bike and Thanks to Dnyanesh k that he introduced me to him.

PS My Cousin Tanmay Desai also helped and suggested few cycle brands and would be always thankful to him about the suggestions and guidance he gave me.

So this how my journey started with Johanna, my gear cycle and by God’s grace it’s going strong and really good.

Happy saddling peeps. Keep riding, keep cycling, or any workout activities you enjoy doing and that’s nothing but joie de vivre. Ganpati Bappa Moraya 🙏

[wpvideo oH2kR6Od ]

I used to take Sandra couple of times to my office. In this video you can see me & Sandra, and my office peeps and friends Lijo, Levis and Paresh 

PS I will be sharing my experience of Mumbai to Kolkata cycle ride in the next blog.