Today’s fast pace scenario, each one of us is in a tremendous hurry. Whether doing a task, completing assignments or commute. My personal preference is walking for commuting and for the past 4 years, cycling played the huge role in my life.
Mumbai streets are filled with full of people and vehicles basically it’s overcrowded.
You can’t do anything when you stuck in traffic, especially while driving a car and in the local trains quantity, ie the number of the people is increasing day by day.
So talking about the commute, we have become self-centered as in most of the people will only care about how can they reach first and blindly follow the other person behaviour. Copying their action and reacting in the same way. For example, breaking the traffic rules. Breaking the traffic signal. Changing the lane without giving an indicator, racing on the street (it’s a road, not F1 track.) Rash driving and speeding up when the signal about to turn red. Auto-rickshaws in Mumbai are the live examples and have set a benchmark of how not to drive on the street.
Speaking about the bicycle, unfortunately, picture and scenario for cycling in Mumbai is not that great that’s the fact. In earlier days people use to cycle to commute later the preference shifted from cycle to bike and 4 wheeler.
Everyone has 24 hours in hand and it completely depends on us how we utilize and use that, how we treat and behave with each other. Each person’s time is precious, but breaking the rule is not the answer. Not like all five fingers are the same, so as the people. It’s a mixture where there are people who follow the rules ride and drive responsibly and then there are a bunch of people who break the rules. The choice of which direction to follow is in our control.
Many people consider cycle and cyclist a nuisance; especially on the highway. Some Bike majority auto rickshaw will compete with the cycle (IDK why?) by overtaking in every possible way, not giving space when there is a space in which the only cycle will go.
There are no separate cycling tracks or dedicated roads and space so cyclist will use what’s available and make the best use of that. No cribbing. So if people change their approach ie the mindset and attitude towards cyclist and fellow travelers, things will be different. If we follow the rules; the traffic scene will change dramatically and traveling will be more convenient and in a systematic way. So we won’t spend our evening in standstill traffic, especially when you are in the car.
It’s all about perspective and attitude. If we do self-improvement each one of us decides to become the better version of us automatically it will impact on a large-scale. A change in approach and mindset will cost us nothing as it only requires the willingness and efforts to do that and the self-improvement will be for the long-term.


I bought the Hamilton cycle in 2014 and its one of the best things I ever did

Cycling is one of the best exercises a person can opt for and make part of our lifestyle. It’s a complete exercise as you will feel relaxed, it’s like a meditation and it’s a stress buster for me. Cycling not only saves your time in reaching your destination, but it will help you keep active.
One of the best place to saddle early morning in Mumbai is, Juhu beach area, Powai Hiranandani, Sanjay Gandhi National Park SGNP Borivali and of course Marine Drive. These are the ones I have explored I’m sure there are many more places to saddle in Mumbai.
PS :- You can let me know your suggestions about the places to cycle in comments.

Keep riding keep saddling !!