My name is Akshay Rajeev Khandekar. I am born and brought up in Mumbai.

I learnt to cycle when I was in 8th standard ( back in 2002) and hardly rode for couple of months. One of the reasons are sheer laziness and another was the moody nature (Kantala yena). A few of my close friends know me are very much aware about this part of my nature.

It was my first bicycle – Hercules (didnt quite recollect the brand) but on the cycle Hercules was written that I remember. My Aai Baba bought it for me from their hard earned money but I didn’t care & realise it maybe because of age or it was utter carelessness. Before buying that I tried to ride my elder sister Gauri’s cycle but stopped riding it – again because of moodiness and it was the old cycle. After few weeks My Nana ( Aai’s father) Mr. Vasant Desai converted it into stationary bicycle /spinning bike. It was similar to the bike trainer with the hope of atleast now I will do cycling, But aghast I hardly use it. Few months later Aai sold it to our maid.

Days & months grew into years. It was a year 2014 and I already entered in the corporate rat race and had crossed silver Jubilee. Time flies they say and during these 12 years I didnt have any connection to cycle or didnt practice any other outdoor sports cautiously. My focus was more into partying bar hopping etc.

I started cycling in 2014 and long distance cycling in 2018.In 2019 I went to Kolkata (1964km) with my friends on cycle till now it has been longest we have covered as a group.